Rachel Harmeyer

Rachel is a Marietta native. Her church roots are with Maple Avenue UMC and even as seasons of life have led her to other churches at times, Rachel always considered Maple Avenue my home. Her grandfather, Rev. James Griffin was the pastor at Maple Avenue from 1971-1977. She was raised in the church and attended Sunday School, Wednesday night Bible study, youth choir, yearly Vacation Bible School and United Methodist Youth Fellowship at Maple Avenue. Rachel and her husband Keith were married in the Chapel at Maple Avenue; in the same place my paternal grandparents (Lamar and Emily Bishop) were married over 50 years prior. They have four daughters, Audrey, Amy, Allison and Anna Katherine . Rachel graduated from Harrison High School in 2001 and received my bachelors degree in Early Childhood Education from Kennesaw State University. She have been working in Cobb County Schools for 16 years and currently teaches 2nd Grade Special Education at Pickett’s Mill Elementary School.